Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Will be trying to post something on saturday(but may need to wait till later in the week), I've been busy with full-time substitute teaching and it's just killing my free time. Also I've been having some random medical issues as of late, so waiting for it to blow over a little.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Random Urge To Scribble Wonder Woman

Sooooo.....I took a shot at doodling a Wonder Woman picture. It's essentially her New 52 look with just a few tweaks. Maybe I'll do a render of this drawing. Never drawn a comic character before, usually just draw original stuff or tv cartoon characters. @_@

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Floating Cyborg Head Revisited

So the image above is a project I designed back in high school and now I'm deciding to revamp the drawing for fun. You can't see the whole image because I had to crop it when creating slides for the portfolio I used to apply for college, but this head is floating in a jar that has a face.
Here is the rough concept I doodled and plan to render a final image sometime this week. 

Don't Mess With BabaYaga...She Has A Spoon