Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Warrior Princess Potential?

I'm semi settled on this layout for my next picture. I'll probably exaggerate the swirly spirits more & the background is a basic placeholder til I can decide on what backdrop will be placed in.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cardcaptors: Yue & The Windy

Not sure if I'm finished but this is what it'll look like till I decide to rework it again. Also I'm not sure why I didn't post this picture like a week ago. I think I got distracted and assumed I posted it already.

Monday, October 6, 2014

I Blame YouTube

So I've been randomly watching Cardcaptors(Yes the badly edited US version of Cardcaptor Sakura) and had a random idea. Since Yue was my favorite character as a kid, I thought it'd be cool if he wielded the Clow staff/wand instead of Sakura. Also I included windy because...no real reason. This is probably what I'll be refining and working on for the next few days.

Below is a quick Palette test for Yue.
Been subbing a lot so I've been tweaking this during my down time & decided to rework Windy's positioning. Didn't like the flow of the layout before & I think I've finally landed on a layout I like.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Scarlet Witch

I guess this falls under fan art...Anyway, I used this drawing to test out a different way of shading which involved way more layers. @___@ So I'm ok with the end result.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Potential Ideas To Be Reworked & Rendered

Random scribbled idea that I think have potential to be interesting. Just need to find the time! But oh well maybe I'll just give up on sleeping.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Scarlet Witch Scribble

A quick scribble which I'm thinking of refining and rendering. Just gotta get committed to the idea of it and then I'll pursue this further. Yes I know the sketch is a little wonky but that's just how I work when I want to capture an idea before I do that sleep thing, so the proportions will get reworked.

UPDATE: Still want to fix the her left arm. I did a quick palette test but ignore the pink of her gloves and legs, that was done because the red I picked hides the red sketched lines.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Random Work In Progress

Alright, I'm finally getting back in the swing of actually animating instead of just drawing random character designs or tattoo commissions. Here are two really rough sketches for this animated character test.

I have no set timeline for this, though I hope to finish it soon and I'll post the fully colored/rendered version in the future. I also plan to do more designs that will also be posted at some point. If all moves along nicely, there are a few more projects I have planned for the future.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Genie, Prisoner, Angel or Demon?

@__@ So did a quick outline and palette test :) 

Revising some line work and details of my little genie design BUT the wings will be added again later along with the chain coming off his chest.